It’s Whatever Wednesday again folks! Today I’m going to finally post some pictures of the Kokanee Salmon that Tim caught 2 weeks ago and that we promptly ate. I know, I know, I promised to post this last week, but last week has come and gone and I don’t feel too guilty about not posting…
Crab Cakes Louie
Wow, it’s Fast Fun Friday already! I have a great recipe for today that’s mostly Fast and definitely Fun! It’s Crab Cakes Louie! Uh huh, you’ve never heard of it, right? But maybe you’ve heard of a Crab Louie Salad? It’s a riff on that! And here’s why… ok, I’ll tell why in a second……
Baked Fettuccine AuGratin with Cajun Seafood
Baked Fettuccine AuGratin with Cajun Seafood Baked Fettuccine AuGratin with Cajun Seafood is a Super Cheesy casserole. We have found that Paul Prudhomme”s Magic is one of the best Cajun spice blends that we have ever cooked with. Most blends, especially Creole are too salty for our taste. [showad block=2] link