Uh huh, I know that’s not the sort of food blog name that’s popular these days. I actually DID try to come up with something modern, catchy, cute and humorous, but they all just sounded too gimmicky and they didn’t fit in with who I am at my core.
So who am I really? I’m a woman who loves food – old fashioned comfort foods, casseroles, roasts big enough to feed an army, veritable tubs full of mashed potatoes, gravy and coleslaw. Yep, that’s the style of cooking that makes me happiest.
Translating THAT into a catchy, modern food blog name just wasn’t working. I enlisted the help of my kids, my husband and a few friends and we still couldn’t define my food likes in any sort of way that was cute and “in”.
I just kept saying, “But guys, the food I want to talk about is dang good and darned tasty, and those names don’t portray that at all!”
And then it hit me… why not just call it Dang Good and Darned Tasty? Except that the name was far too long for a domain name…ugh.
I settled for Dang Good Cooking!.. not because I’m a Dang Good Cook! (ok, in my own private fantasies I’m even better than a Dang Good Cook!, heck I’m a Dang GREAT Cook!)
… nope not because of my cooking prowess, but because the food I’m Cooking is Dang Good!
So when you’re standing in the kitchen and someone asks you what you’re doing, say, “I’m cooking some DANG GOOD food today!”.

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